About Us

We are warriors, archers, cooks, weavers, blacksmiths, leather workers, entertainers and so much more!

The Wryngwyrm, Jormungandr, the World serpent, and son of Loki, was thrown into the ocean by Odin, where he grew so big that he circled the world and grasped his own tail. He is to be killed by (and to kill) Thor at Ragnorak. 

The Wryngwyrm

Meet the Wryms!

Eirik Eiriksson

Eirik is not only a fearsome warrior and our battle captain but also a skilled blacksmith, providing our village with vital goods. 

When called into battle he uses axe, spear and sword to defeat his enemies and is a fearsome warrior on the battlefield.

Rune 'Spyd Knuser'

Spear Crusher, Erik's second in command, earned their name on the training ground. When they aren't fighting in the shield wall they spend time in camp carefully copying pesky Saxon manuscripts to sell for ransom.

Grimarr Gunnarsson

Our highly skilled Archery Thegn, Grimarr can make the difference between victory and Valhalla in a shield wall. 

Thorney Hilsdottir

Thorney is skilled in dying  fabrics and wools, experimenting with natural plants and minerals. 

Thorney also keeps the rest of Wryngwrym in check, quietly keeping an eye on the warriors from the fireside. 

Sihtric Hrafrnsson

Known as The Raven, this brave wanderer, and son of a freed slave, has finally agreed to settle down and pledge his sword to Wryngwrym. 

Solveig Fredriks-dottir

Wife of Eirik, Solveig keeps our warband fed and ably asssists the blacksmith with his work. 

Hertha Nybergsdottir

Hertha is a skilled weaver, who creates complex and beautiful patterns to decorate our kyrtles. 

She also keeps the warband fed, cooking traditional meals using historical techniques and ingredients. 

Astrid Livsdottir

Astrid is a seamstress, who can be seen around camp fixing, mending and creating garments using historical instruments and fabrics. 

Helgie Buthersson

Skilled jeweller Helgie creates beautiful silver work, using traditional techniques.

He is also a talented archer who loves to take out warriors with a well-placed arrow. 

Hoc of Hocga Cliffe

One of the few Saxons in our Viking Warband, Hoc isn't afraid to fight to prove his worth. To make a bit of extra silver, he will happily sell his services to any mercenary who comes calling.

Ragnar Skallagrim

Ragnar is a skilled warrior and formidable archer, who also rides with the cavalry at special events. 

Hrodgeirr Cnutsson 

Hrodgeirr is a merchant, who joined the warband with his family.

Aware of the dangers lurking around every corner, he prepares himself and his young son for battle. 

Thorvald the Shield

The third son of a wealthy landowner, Thorvald was forced to leave his home in search of fortune.  

The lust for glory and wealth spurs him on. 

Bjorn Cnutsson

Trained by his father, Bjorn is already prepared to join the warband as a skilled archer. 


Sandar fights bravely in a shield wall, protecting his friends and striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. 

Aren Trygg

Aran is a stealthy archer with a sure eye,  who enjoys nothing more than picking off the enemy, one by one. 


Elin is a talented seamstress and weaver, highly sought after around camp for her well made kyrtles and tablet weave.

Valgerd Cnutsson

Hrodgeirr's mother, Valgerd, helps around camp with grinding flour and preparing meals.

She is a comfort to weary warriors returning from the field to a warm hearth and a good meal. 

Viggy Cnutsson

Viggy knows their way around a knife fight and is in training to join Grimmarr on the battlefield as an archer.

Sigrun “The Red” Mikelsdota

Olaf “Forkbeard” Grimason

Shield maiden Sigrun is as fearless as any man on the battle field, whilst around the camp fire musician Olaf entertains us with his lyre and rude songs.